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April 23, 2024

Maximizing Efficiency: Introducing Marketo + Workfront Fusion

Marketo is a great Marketing Automation platform. Marketo helps marketers automate the many aspects of marketing campaigns, however, the automation is limited to functionalities within Marketo. For any marketing campaigns to be successful, marketing managers would have to co-ordinate with multiple teams, ranging from internal creative teams to external marketing…
October 4, 2023

What is the New Inside Adobe Dynamic Chatbot?

Today's digital marketing demands a dynamic, responsive, and intelligent approach. Enter Adobe Dynamic Chat – an integral feature of Marketo Engage that promises to revitalize your digital communication strategy. When Dynamic Chatbot was first introduced, its aim was clear – to offer foundational conversation automation tools that effortlessly integrate with…
August 18, 2023

Getting Started with Marketo Velocity Scripting

In the world of email campaigns, personalization is the magic key that unlocks engagement and connection with your audience. After all, who doesn't appreciate an email that speaks directly to their interests and needs? Marketo, our go-to email automation platform, offers two main ways to achieve this: dynamic content and…
August 18, 2023

Marketo API: Integration Guide

In the fast-paced world of marketing, automation is a key tool to efficiently manage personalized multi-channel programs and campaigns. Marketo is a powerful marketing automation platform that enables marketers to attract, segment, and nurture customers. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the core entities and their relationships within Marketo,…
April 14, 2021

How to Maximize your Marketo ROI

Measuring the effectiveness of any tool in terms of revenue contribution is key when finessing your marketing practices. Knowing whether the tech used is delivering any return on investment is crucial to any organization looking to optimize its marketing practices. Optimizing a complex marketing automation tool such as Marketo requires…
March 4, 2021

How To Plan And Migrate To Marketo

Migrating your current marketing automation to Marketo is an easy decision to make, but there is a huge volume of data, growing daily, that makes the transition tricky. Moreover, marketers need to keep up with the many channels' customers use to remain relevant. Marketo steps in as one of the…
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