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How To Maximize Your Marketo ROI

How to Maximize your Marketo ROI

Measuring the effectiveness of any tool in terms of revenue contribution is key when finessing your marketing practices. Knowing whether the tech used is delivering any return on investment is crucial to any organization looking to optimize its marketing practices. Optimizing a complex marketing automation tool such as Marketo requires a well-planned strategic approach before significant profit increases are to be seen (Marketo ROI).

To accurately assess and improve Marketo’s ROI, you need to gather the right data and metrics to measure the efficacy of the system. From these, you’ll gain useful insights to inform and guide your optimization efforts.

Let’s look at some of Marketo’s best practices for elevated use, results, and revenue.

Create a Strategy

Advanced marketing automation is made possible through clear and powerful strategies. If you want to increase the efficiency of campaigns, you must define a strategy that includes all steps toward your set goals. You need to figure out:

  1. What are your goals? Or what do you want to achieve from these campaigns?
  2. What are the resources you require to complete the job?

Take your achievements to the next level after gaining the ability to create effective strategies and organize resources for important initiatives.

Understanding business goals and data analysis are the two important tactics that need to be considered during strategy design.

Define the goals

Defining goals and analyzing the data of your organization is important. Let’s assume your manager requires SQLs. Then it’s important to understand what SQL means to him. With this in mind, you should then define SQL in terms of your organization. This definition should inform and guide you in creating and measuring adequate program scoring. In this process, you need to break down your goals and define two important terms:

  1. Business with respect to metrics
  2. Marketo data

Manage your data

Create customer groups with the segmentation tool. Segmentation helps in sending target messages to targeted customers for a personalized experience. It is important to have relevant data rather than a huge amount of data. When segmenting customer data, consider these:

  • How valid is your data?
  • Do all fields have correct values?
  • Resolving Data duplication issues
  • Regularly cleaning data and deleting junk files

Clean out your data and delete junk files regularly to keep your database neat and save time in the future.

Maximizing ROI With Adobe Marketo

Develop Process Flow

With clean data and strategy in place, the next step is to create the development process flow. Keep your campaign’s time zone in mind and start with a personalized message based on specific locations and time zones.

The number and complexity of your campaigns are not nearly as important as the message, delivery, and audience of each. Campaign success is largely based on delivering personalized campaigns to the right people at the right time. Once a campaign is launched, analyze the campaign, its execution, and its advantages and disadvantages to improve future launches.

When you invest in Marketo, you’re also investing in identifying your audience and the individual growth of your marketing team. You don’t need a team of experienced personnel when using Marketo; you can continue with the people who are experts in specific areas and help them expand their skillsets. However, there should always be at least one person in charge of managing campaigns to keep them on track until completion.

Wrap up

Marketers’s primary goal is to enhance brand value and to deliver more Sales Qualified Leads. These goals involve constant nurturing of the leads with right content to the right audience at the right time. It is important for marketers to adopt Marketo best practices to derive better ROI from your Marketo campaigns. We hope the above time-tested tips would help you get the most out of your Marketo.

Do you need any assistance with Marketo? Reach out to NextRow Digital’s Marketo team at +1-847-592-2920 or to discuss your needs and stay up to date on the latest MarTech news.

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